We talk about making sacrifices for other people. We give up a little something in an effort to make someone else’s life a little better but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that’s not a sacrifice at all. We are willing to inconvenience ourselves but rarely are we willing or able to sacrifice something of great value.

In our Bible lesson this week we looked at a boy named Isaac and his dad, Abraham. Abraham had prayed for a son for years and when he was old and unable to have children he finally had a son. Could you imagine the joy and happiness that were found in that house every time they looked at their son, Isaac!?

Fastforward in the story a bit and we hear God tell Abraham to sacrifice his son, his one and only son. This is huge! He was asking Abraham to give up the one thing for which he had prayed for years. And what’s amazing is that Abraham agreed! He went along with it and took his son to place to offer him to God.

But if you dig into the story there’s a lot of hidden things happening. I’d encourage reading Genesis 22 before listening to the message below. Look for how Abraham reacted. See what he says to his wife when he leaves. Record what he tells Isaac when asked what they’re going to sacrifice.

These will clue you in to something pretty spectacular. I hope you find something new in this story and that you realize the one sacrifice that was needed has already been done. And now all we have to do is merely live with some inconveniences not real sacrifices.