Writing is becoming a bit of an outlet for me these days. I am liking the whole process of writing. Gathering thoughts. Finding inspiration. Jotting down a few key points. Running it all past someone to give their feedback. Editing. Then throwing it out for the world to see. Well here’s the latest. It’s a poem of sorts. The theme is life and how your life is like a story. I’d love to hear your feedback.

Your life is like a story told
That goes from birth ’til you are old.
Each day, each breath another page
Your life is lived on center stage.

 In your story there you’ll find
Those who love heart, soul and mind
But also nestled in your life
Are those who bring you added strife.

The strife is loud! Its heart plain mean.
Its single goal, to be all that’s seen.
But don’t give up. You fight this foe.
Your story’s more than sad and woe.

But all alone you cannot fight.
A friend will help you see the light.
You need someone who always cares
Whose heart and shoulder always shares.

No matter who this friend might be
If their heart is true, they’ll help you see
That you are one God made by hand
And nothing can between you stand.

There’s nothing you can do my friend
That will his love for you make end.
And if this friend is really true
They can say the same to you.