Ever wonder why God leaves some prayers seemingly unanswered? Ever feel like you ask for things and just don’t get the answer you expected? Sometimes we treat prayer more like a slot-machine than a conversation. But how does God answer prayer anyway? 

Growing up I was always taught that God had three different answers for prayers: yes, no and maybe. But as I get a little older and study more of who God is and how he operates, I don’t really think this is right. A dear friend of mine, that I called Mr. Bill, once told me that God answers prayers in two ways, either yes or I have something better in mind. He doesn’t leave it a simple no or even leave us hanging with a maybe. He always has a very clear answer.

This week’s Music Monday song is a reminder that even when it seems my prayers are unanswered that Heaven still has it all together. My life may be falling apart around me but God still has a plan for me. God knows that the world may be pressing in around me and I may be near the brink but He has it all under control.

I’m not sure what your life looks like right now, but one thing I know for certain – you are never beyond the reach of God’s mighty hands. You may be in a free-fall through difficult times, but God is never leaves you alone. You may not be getting the answers you want, but know that he has a better plan for you than even you can come up with.

And just think, the very hands that shaped the world… the hands that held the seas in place… the hands that calmed the storms… the hands that provided every need of mankind… these same hands are holding you tight.