living for eternity today

Whose Voice Matters Most?

We live in a world of noise. Everywhere we turn, voices are clamoring for our attention. They demand our loyalty, whisper doubt into our ears, and shout promises that never seem to be fulfilled. Among these voices, it’s easy to find ourselves lost, trying to make sense of the competing messages that surround us. When trust is broken, relationships fall apart, and we’re left shattered, those voices only get louder. But what if there was a way to silence them? What if, in the midst of the chaos, God’s voice could be the loudest voice we hear?

Imagine for a second that you’ve been let down by someone you trusted…deeply. A friend, a spouse, a family member—it doesn’t matter who, only that it hurts. The kind of hurt that gnaws at you and makes you question everything. Why did they betray me? Was it something I did? Could I have prevented this?

In the aftermath, our minds become a battleground, invaded by voices of accusation and guilt, swirling with regret and “what if” scenarios. We start doubting our worth, questioning our decisions, and maybe even reconsidering our faith. It’s a vicious cycle, one that leaves us feeling hopeless and alone.

In these moments, it’s all too easy to let the voices of the world consume us. They tell us to cut ties, to never trust again, to harden our hearts and move on without forgiveness. But what if those voices are leading us further from the healing we desperately need?

When God’s Word Speaks Louder

When I find myself lost in the fog of hurt and betrayal, I remember that there is one voice I can always trust—God’s. I know. I get it. He’s a pastor of course he would say that. Stick with me for a second.

In the Bible, we find words that cut through the noise, words that give us life, hope, and healing. They remind us of our true identity, rooted in Christ, not in the shattered pieces of broken relationships. The world isn’t coming more together. It’s falling more apart. If the more we lean into worldly friendship, the more we see our anger increase, then perhaps those worldly voices aren’t looking out for our best interests.

Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” When the voices around us say we should give up or that we’re not worthy of love, God’s voice tells us that He cares. He wants our burdens, and He promises to sustain us even when everything else falls apart.

Think of God’s Word as an anchor, steady and unmovable, in a storm of changing tides. The world will pull you in every direction, offering temporary solutions for eternal problems. But God’s Word stands firm, rooted in truth that doesn’t change with time or circumstance.

Drowning Out the Noise

I don’t know about you, but I often find that the loudest voices in my life are not the ones I should be listening to. They’re the ones that play on repeat when I lie awake at night, replaying my failures and amplifying my fears. They’re the voices that stir up resentment and keep old wounds open. But I want to live differently. I want God’s Word to be the loudest voice in my life.

That takes effort, though. It’s a choice I have to make daily. I choose to open my Bible and listen to what God has to say about me, about my pain, about my future. I choose to drown out the voices of fear and doubt with the truth of His promises. And slowly, I begin to find peace.

When we allow God’s Word to be the loudest voice in our lives, we’re choosing to trust in His promises over our insecurities. We’re letting His truth redefine our worth, instead of letting the world or our failures do it. And in that place, we find healing. We find restoration.

Letting God’s Word be the loudest voice in our lives means allowing His truth to shape our perspective on broken relationships and even fractured trust. It means letting go of the lies that tell us we’re alone and that our mistakes define us. Instead, we hold onto the truth that God has plans for us—plans to give us hope and a future.

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the noise, take a step back, take a deep breath and listen. Open His Word. Let it be the loudest, most reassuring voice in your life. And in that space of listening, allow God to begin His work of healing, because His love is greater than any betrayal, and His peace is deeper than any wound.

You are not defined by the fractures in your relationships or the trust that’s been broken. You are defined by the voice of God that speaks life, hope, and love into your heart. Make His Word the loudest voice, and you’ll find a strength that no other voice can offer.


  1. Mick Dilley

    You are right, Pastor. I hope this narrative reaches those who really need it but I doubt they are taking the time to look outside themselves. There is just too much
    ‘ Poor me’ attitude and inward thinking. But, we can Hope and Pray.

  2. barbara j carter

    The noise is overwhelming right now with the elections going on. Good to remember to disregard all that noise and focus on what is the truth and the way.

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