This week we started a new sermon series titled God Questions. The idea behind the series is that there are a series of questions that just about everyone asks at one point in time or another. These are what we consider the top three questions people have about God. Before we get into the series and the first message, let’s talk about the graphic for this series.

One of the members of the church I serve works in a school. She was working with a boy who was displaying some challenging behavioral issues. At one point in the day he was picking at another boy and who told him It’s ok. I’m protected. When asked what he meant, he said something about God being with him. The child who was doing the bullying didn’t quite get it. Later that day at recess the child who was being a bit of a bully came up to the teacher and asked Who am I to God?

After a brief exchange the staff member told the boy that because of Jesus he was a child of God. Puzzled and yet intrigued the boy asked for her to draw a picture of God. She, however, insisted that the boy draw his own picture of God and that is what we have as our graphic for this series.

Now the first question we ask is Who is God? The thrust behind this message is that we all have an image in mind of who God is. And we have to realize that what we think about something determines how we see it and how we act toward it. This first message deals with different images of God that we tend to form in our heads. Is he a judge? Is he a cosmic slot machine? Is he a magician or just an old man who’s grown increasingly irrelevant? Or is there a better image from which we can draw a more accurate picture of God?

Take a few minutes and listen to this week’s message in our God Questions series.