blancaWhat voices do you listen to in this world? Is it the news? What about your  friends? Or is it your spouse or significant other? Do you listen the voices of the pop culture superstars? Or the self-help gurus?

If you’re listening to any of these, then you’re probably not finding a lot of comfort in your self-worth. I remember growing up, my parents would always tell me Remember who and whose you are. Those words echo in my mind constantly even 20 years later. 

I am not the world’s possession. I don’t belong to my friends or my employer. I am not a slave to my possessions, and quite frankly I don’t care what others say about me. A bible verse that was spoken to me when I was in 8th grade comes to mind. You are not your own. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20.

This means that someone cared enough for you to die for you. I know that sounds really weird, after all who do you know well enough that you’d die for them? But it’s the truth! So all of those crazy emotionally wrecking questions of am I good enough, do I look the way I’m supposed to, can anyone really love me, I’ll never succeed at anything… You can kick those things out the window!

Because who you are isn’t what the world says you are! Who you are is a child of God. Who you are is someone who is cared for so deeply that your identity is wrapped up not in your actions but in his actions on your behalf. Who you are is a uniquely created and cared for child of the creator. You are the one Jesus saw when he closed his eyes and gave up his spirit on the cross. You are the reason he died, and you are the reason he rose. You are His and He is yours! Don’t let anyone tell you any different.