Who Am IWho am I? Ever wondered what is the reason that good things happen to you? Ever wonder why you are blessed beyond measure? Ever wonder why even though bad things happen in your life, you’re still held in such high esteem by God that you are in awe? 

This morning we listen to a favorite song of mine. It’s a powerful depiction of the truth of the gospel. It’s a very simple song, yet it contains a powerful, life altering message. Think about this question for a minute – Who am I that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name?

It would make sense of God wanted to know the powerful and the popular. It would make great sense if he would want to know those who could make him look better or more miraculous. But to desire someone like me is a little peculiar. To want to be near to me doesn’t make sense when you see it through the eyes of the world. The chorus however answers this question beautifully – not because of who I am, but because of what you’ve done, not because of what I’ve done, but because of who you are.

You see, God wants to know you because it’s his disposition and character to come close to that which he’s made. He wants to be near us and know us because we are his handiwork. Think of the car you’ve just spent hours cleaning and waxing, or the truck you’ve just put a lot of work into. You want to look at it, drive it, show it off! Don’t you? And it’s not because the car did anything for you. It’s not because the truck somehow deserves your time. It’s because of the finger print you’ve put on it. It’s because of your work on the vehicle.

The same is true for God and us! He loves us not because of the work we’ve done or the faults from which we’ve stayed away. NO! He loves us and draws near to us because he’s come a long distance to be near to us and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for us. Our lives are about living out the story of God in the everyday. The story of the bible is the relentless pursuit of God toward his wayward children. We are those wayward children. We are the ones God chose to adopt and call his own – not because of something great we’ve done but because of who he is at heart.

Today I pray that you know how valuable you are to him. I pray that you know that even when you’re broken and distressed you understand that He draws near to you. Know that when you fail, He’s there to hold you and remind that your identity is not in what you do but in what he accomplished for you.
