A favorite Christian artist of mine has to be Casting Crowns. They have a way of putting such amazing story into their songs. This one was supposed to be up yesterday on Christmas morning but for some reason it didn’t make it. So here it is.

While you were sleeping some amazing things have happened! There have been some huge changes to the landscape of our lives overnight. It’s amazing what can be missed while we sleep. All of those nocturnal animals make their way out, while we are sleeping. Truck drivers have to get to their destinations while we are sleeping. Military personnel have to work to protect our freedoms while we are sleeping. And while we are sleeping the men and women of our protective services, fire and police, stay awake to make sure that we are safe. To all of those often unthankful jobs, we say thanks!

But there’s something else that happened while we were sleeping. On that first Christmas it all happened in the darkness. There was a moment when it didn’t look good at all. No one was willing to take them in. Mary and Joseph traveled nearly 90 miles to find a place to stay in their home town, but all of the rooms were filled. But one innkeeper was able to find room. It wasn’t much but it was shelter and for that they were grateful!

That dark night, when it looked as if darkness was going to win, something happened. That night when the world was asleep – God was awake. He was bringing into reality what he’d been planning since the beginning of time. He sent a baby to be born. Doesn’t seem like much but a lot can happen in the darkness of night. This baby wasn’t just a normal baby. He was born in the night, in the dark, but the darkness wasn’t enough to prevent him from coming. His presence that night brought a different kind of light, a light that the world didn’t quite understand. A light that the evils tried to terminate, but the light was too powerful. That night changed everything.

But that wasn’t the only thing that happens while we sleep. It’s dangerous to sleep at the wrong time. Fall asleep behind the wheel of a car and you’ll know exactly what I mean! As a nation and as a people of faith in this country, it appears that we might be asleep when we are supposed to be awake. There’s a lot that is happening in the world around us and for some reason we are just relaxing in our slumber. While we are sleeping in our churches and in our homes, darkness is permeating the world again. While we are asleep the miracle of that first Christmas is being watered down and even passed off as fable. It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to remember that the darkness can’t win in the presence of light. It’s time to remember that God promised to be the light of the world. He sent his son to be born on Christmas to overcome the darkness. We don’t have to do it. We don’t have to fight for it. We are called to believe it and to live it out. While we were sleeping the victory was won! While we were sleeping Jesus broke into the world and became God with us. He gave us something that the powers of this world can’t take away. He gave us a promise that would last. Jesus tells us to lean into him and believe in his words and we’ll know real life – a life without boundaries – a life without an end.

I understand. We all do it. I know you were tired. But now it’s time to be awake. Make ready the home of your heart. Listen for the excitement in the dark and remember that a lot has already happened in the darkness of night that just simply can’t be changed! Merry Christmas!