Maybe you’re like me and find patience is difficult. In the past, I’ve always considered myself a fairly patient person. However, recently I’ve been a little impatient with God and I try to speed up His plan for my life. I’ll tell you now, that plan will never work out the way you want it to. 

Today’s Music Monday is titled While I’m Waiting, by John Waller, and comes from the movie Fireproof. I’ve heard this song dozens of times but never listened to the words closely until now. I never realized the words in this song apply to me. In what ways do these words apply to your life?

What are you waiting for? It could be a new job promotion, the next paycheck, a vacation, a test score, your driver’s license or maybe you’re waiting to meet that special someone. Maybe you’re waiting on something smaller, like the weekend or for the meeting tomorrow to be over. All of us have waited for something in life and chances are, all of us are waiting for something now as well.

Like the song says, waiting is not easy, and it can be painful at times. For example, by trying to plan my own life, I miss out on what God has planned for me. God’s plan for your life is better than anything you can wish for yourself! It won’t always be easy, but even in the difficult times, this song reminds us to praise God through the pain. Sing to Him while you’re waiting, seven Him in your downtime, worship Him when you’re feeling impatient. Then move ahead, bold and confident in the assurance that God is by your side. Take each step in obedience. Be patient, God has your life in His hands.

21 Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. Proverbs 19:21