living for eternity today

While I Wait

I’m not a very patient person. One time I made the mistake of praying for patience! Let’s just say don’t do that! God’s not in the business of giving patience. He teaches it! But that’s a post for another day. When we focus on the waiting, it feels like forever! Maybe you’re waiting on the promotion at work? Maybe you’re waiting on the forever someone to enter your life to be your spouse? Maybe you’re waiting on a clear bill of health? Or just an answer to a problem? What do you do while you wait?

This week’s Music Monday is all about the attitude and actions while we’re waiting. It’s easy to pay the whole Jesus movement lip service. And unfortunately there are far too many men and women who call themselves Christians who are doing little more than paying lip service to the Jesus they claim to follow. They’re fans of Jesus and not followers. (That’s a pretty good book by the way “Not a Fan”)

But when we're put in a situation of waiting, often the waiting is where the learning happens. Share on X

What do you do while you wait? While I can’t answer that one for you, I can tell you the healthy way to handle things. We worship while we wait. We worship by praying for God to change our heart to his will. We worship by sharing our pains and struggles with others who follow Christ too. We worship through song. We worship and wait by reading his promises and rubbing them back in his ears. The waiting isn’t about the result it’s about the waiting! The point life often is more about how we react in the waiting moments than the answers we get in the end.

So this week as you listen to our song spend a little time waiting. But while you wait, you should worship the God who is found just as much in the waiting as he is in the answers.

1 Comment

  1. Sue Hritz


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