wheres-waldoHave you ever seen one of those Where’s Waldo books? The premise of the is to find a character on each page. The character is Waldo. He’s dressed in a red and white striped shirt and blue jeans with a stocking cap. Some of the pages are quite easy to find this little man hiding among the green trees. But other pages are almost impossible! I remember a page in a Where’s Waldo book from my childhood that had Waldo in his red and white striped outfit marching with thousands of others in a crowded city. These thousands of others were also wearing red and white stripes and playing instruments. Needless today that one took quite a while to find but I remember the great sense of accomplishment when I was actually able to see Waldo! 


Here’s an example of one of the harder ones! Where’s Waldo?

Our lives as followers of Jesus are kind of like a game of Where’s Waldo. Kind of – so bear with me for a minute to let me explain. Picture going through life looking, not for Waldo in a red and white striped shirt, but looking for Jesus. No, not looking for Jesus in a toga or hanging on a cross. I’m not talking about looking for pictures of Jesus hanging in churches or Christian bookstores. I mean actually seeing in our everyday lives evidence of the wonders of who Jesus was.

Sometimes it’s in a movie. Other’s it’s in a store as we see a person going out of their way to serve someone different. The how and when are less important than actually finding these wonderful moments. My daughter is an avid fan of all things Disney. Add the princess factor and you have hit a home run! Needless to say we watch a good deal of Disney Princess in our home. It’s fun to see how these Where’s Waldo sightings happen even in secular movies.

Take the movie Frozen as an example. There’s a part at the end of the movie where Anna jumps in front of her sister Elsa to save her. For a split second my daughter was heart-broken that one of the main characters, Anna, was going to be frozen to death. But if you think about it, this is a great example of what Jesus did for us. It’s a Where’s Waldo kind of moment!

Jesus didn’t jump in front of a front of us to protect us from an arrow. He jumped in front of us to protect us from the power of death. He took death on himself so that we wouldn’t be caught up in it.

You see, when you look for the things of God in your everyday life, you are certain to find him. And sometimes you’ll find him in the most unlikely places! Do you have a favorite Where’s Waldo Jesus Story? Share it! I’d love to here!