Well it happened again. This time worse than the last. Another senseless act of violence. Another mass killing. Another group of innocent lives ripped from their friends and families in a timeframe we call too soon. The details are still rolling out. The motive, if there is one, is yet to be determined. There are so many questions that our heads are spinning! But as many questions as exist, there seems to be even more blame. So whose fault is it anyway?

The move obvious one being blamed right now are those who advocate gun ownership. Those who think guns are the problem have been touting the accusation that if guns weren’t legal then these things wouldn’t happen. Then there’s the accusation that if politicians would just do something about this kind of unspeakable violence then surely nothing like this would happen again. Then there are those who want to point blame at the family of the man who took aim at so many defenseless targets. And still others are wagging their fists at God for allowing this to happen. So whose fault is it?

Now I’m certain that I’m going to upset someone and well that’s just the way it’s going to be I guess. But honestly none of these are the real culprits. Guns don’t shoot people. Lawmakers can’t make citizens obey the laws. Family can’t make another family member behave properly (whatever that even means). And as much as I wish it were so, God isn’t in the business of making people always choose rightly. So who’s to blame?

The long and short the blame lies on the shoulders of every person trying to point a finger at someone else. The blame is yours and mine. No we didn’t pull the trigger. No we didn’t take aim on a crowd of people enjoying a concert. No we didn’t take someone’s life like this man did, but that doesn’t make us innocent.

You see we make up a ton of rules and regulations. We hide behind our ideals of a perfect society. We speak a lot of what ifs and if only’s but none of that is helpful. What’s the problem?

Simple actually. The problem is that we forgot one simple rule…one simple idea…one simple command. The more rules we make, the more rules there are to break. Perhaps this is why Jesus made is so easy in the New Testament of the Bible. Now, perhaps you’re not a Bible person or even a Jesus person, but hear me out. This one isn’t one of those churchy statements. It’s not even a Jesus is the reason kind of statement. It’s a simple teaching as old as time – be kind.

I know that sounds fuzzy and weak but it’s really not. Any idiot can act out in a fit of rage. Any moron can let their anger take them to places where they lose control. Anyone can be so overcome with fear and despair that they lose control. But stopping the hatred takes courage. It takes strength. It takes a person who is in control of him or herself to stand up and walk in a different direction.

I’m tired of hearing people complain about the wrongs. I’m sick of protests that say they are aimed at peace that really are just causing more violence. I’m beyond done with the pointing of fingers at someone else’s wrongs. It’s time we all stood up and put on our big-boy pants and took responsibility for our own actions. What have you done today to make a difference in someone else’s life? How have you gone out of your way to show kindness to someone in your daily circle?

I could careless on which side of the aisle you sit. I don’t really need to know your opinion on gun control. What matters right now is how well do you love your neighbor? How well do you follow that golden rule of treating others the way you want to be treated?

Today you can be a difference maker in someone’s life. Today you can be the change that you want to see in the world. Just love your neighbor! There are three easy steps to loving your neighbor:

    • don’t act like you hate them
    • speak well to them and about them
    • go out of your way to do something kind for them

It’s really that easy. Are you strong enough to be a difference maker in this world? Are you prepared to stand up and be the change you want to see in the world? Are you ready to infect the world with a kindness that it seems to have forgotten?

Be kind to someone today.