Christmas is one of those times of year when a few extra things tend to pile on our schedules. With the Christmas parties, school activities, additional worship times, and all of the other things added to our calendars – it’s easy to not know if we’re coming or going! Our lives are like candles and the more things that are added to our calendars the lower the candle burns and the less we have left to give. But what do you do when your candle all but burns out? How do you handle life when you are so overwhelmed that you don’t know which end is up anymore? 

So it’s confession time. I dread the first two weeks of December every year. It seems like these two weeks are filled with craziness and added turmoil. And this year has proven to be nothing new. We’re only in the first week but I’m certain that these two weeks will continue the reality that the candle is growing dim.

When way too much is added to your plate, how do you react? Are you the run away and hide kind of person? There’s definitely some good things that come from taking a break! When we give things up and take a step back, we are able to refocus and see what’s really important. But there’s a caution here don’t stay away too long. The longer we’re away from the things that feed us and make us whole, the harder it is to get back and the more fragile the candle flame becomes. So rest but don’t disappear for long.

Or are you the type of person that, when things are added to your plate, you just buckle down and do whatever needs done to get through it? I can speak more to this one than the other because this is me, often times to a fault! There’s something to be said for the ability to push through difficulties. It’s important to be able to step up and git ‘r done. But there’s a caution here too. The caution with those of us in this lifestyle is that we tend to see our value in our accomplishments. The more we take on our shoulders, the more valued we think we are. This personality often lives in a dangerous place. We can become adrenaline junkies and find we’re feeding our flame with stimulants. While these stimulants are effective for a time, they take their toll and they wear out quicker than a natural candle. So work but be cautious.

In my life lately, and those of you who know me will likely laugh a little here, I’ve had a mantra of rest from your work and work from your rest.

If you really think about it rest is vital! Our bodies and our minds heal in moments of rest. Jesus took time out to rest on numerous occasions. God even rested on the last day of creation. We are created for times of rest. Without rest the candle gets dangerously low. So rest well.

But work is also critical! God created the world and put Adam and Eve in the garden to work it. Work is a good thing if it comes in a balanced fashion! When work is all-encompassing, it’s no longer work – it’s a job and jobs suck!

Here are a couple of pointers from my own struggle with rest and work:

What feeds your soul? You’ll be tempted to say Jesus here but that’s not the point. God wired all of us uniquely. How did he wire you? Are you aware of what things bring new energy to your soul? Do these things!

What excites you? We all need passions in life. Some people say they don’t have passions but that’s bologna! Everyone has a passion even if it’s something as simple as sleeping, although I’d guess your passion is something significantly larger than sleep! Spend some time doing what excites you!

Where do you feel most comfortable? Go there! Maybe your comfy place is the corner of your couch. Perhaps it’s by the fireplace with a good book. It doesn’t really matter where this comfort place is, spend a little time where so you can rest, and do it well.

What are your priorities? Often the biggest reason we get overwhelmed by the pressures in life is because our priorities get all out of whack! Take a minute to focus on the things on your list and prioritize them. Then pick them off one at a time.

Only do what only you can do. This is one of my favorite phrases (I can’t remember who said it but it wasn’t me) and honestly I am having a hard time living it. There are so many things you can do but what’s the thing God has in store for you to do? What’s the thing God has uniquely gifted you to be able to do different from how everyone else can do it? In the process of overwork and busy schedules it’s easy to neglect the people who are always there. Only do what only you can do. The work can be done by someone else but somethings only you can be and do. Focus on these things.

Who can hold you accountable and encourage you? These might be two different people or the same person, but finding them and inviting them into these roles in your life are vital steps. Having a person remind you of what’s important and encourage you in keeping your rest/work priorities in check will help you learn to better rest from your work and work from your rest.

This Advent and Christmas season find rest for your soul. Find a place to rest. Let the work intended for you not pass you by. And know that God has something for you to do that only you can do – lean into that and you will find fulfillment in your work.