Last night was the first time our new worship service met. It was a service allowing an additional group of people to attend worship who feel more comfortable in a more intimate setting. The goal is to podcast the messages but we had some technology issues so here’s a quick synopsis.

One of the most well known stories in the life of Jesus is the account of the feeding of the 5000. The people had crowded around to follow Jesus. They all had their needs. They all wanted something. He wanted time alone but their needs were more important than his own, so he helped them. He healed and taught and reminded them of the Kingdom of God.

After some time had past the disciples came to Jesus and reminded him it was late, they were hungry and there was no food anywhere close by. So they suggested that Jesus send them home.

But Jesus would have nothing of it. You feed them, he said.

They had no food! No one came prepared for a long day with Jesus. The only one with food was a young boy who brought his lunch. Five small barley cakes and a couple tiny fish was all he had. Just enough for him to eat, but he was willing to share if Jesus needed it.

As the story goes, Jesus sat them down. Blessed the food and they had more than enough to eat. Actually there were leftover! I could use a little bit of that power trying to feed my teenagers!

So what are we to learn from the story of the 5000? For years I’ve been associated with a group called the FiveTwo Network. The underlying focus of this group is that God has given us all we need to reach our communities. All we have to do is bring what little we have to God and let him bless it.

So what’s your Five and Two? What small blessings has God given you that may not look like much but that he put there for you to trust him to do massive things with? What are the loaves and fish in your life that God is waiting for you to trust back into his hands?

You see the point is simple actually. Jesus gave it. Trusted it to your care. When he calls you to use it, all he asks is that you trust him with it one more time. He won’t turn your loaves and fish into some five star surf and turf meal. They’ll still be loaves and fish, but they’ll be enough.

Don’t wait for more to come. Trust him with what you have. Let him take your anxiety, worry and fear. Let him take your pain and sorrow and depression. Then give him the little you have left and watch as can do more with your little than you could ever do with a lot.

Jesus can do more with your little than you can with a lot. Share on X