We’ve all made some massive adjustments the last few days and weeks. And if we’re being honest no one has a clue how long this will last! As I sit in my office and work through some details for upcoming services and ministry plans we are implementing to meet the needs of our community, I scrolled quickly through Facebook. It got me thinking…

When life is back to normal, what stays? Share on X

The changes that have been forced upon us in this time of medical emergency are pretty inconvenient to say the least. People are acting like idiots if I’m being honest! Hoarding. Fighting. Stock piling. Masks being worn by healthy people. Gloves to the grocery store. It’s all a bit much if you ask me!

But what changes to your life are actually not all that bad? I mean as I looked through my Facebook feed I realized many dads are home cooking breakfast for their kiddos. Moms are working from home. Families are going on walks at night. Parks are filling up with people who just need to get out of their homes.

What changes have you made that will stick?

Which changes are definitely going away as soon as the ban is lifted?

I’d love to hear what your favorite changes are! Share them here and we can learn from each other.