This week we continued our journey through the book of Exodus with a brief stop in Exodus 32. This is the story of the Israelites rebelling against God by doing their own thing. They take matters into their own hands. They grew impatient and made their own idol to worship. But it’s not just the Israelites who have this problem. It’s not just this group of God-followers who are stiff necked and self-centered. We are exactly the same!

We take matters into our own hands when we don’t get the job we want. We try to do one better than God when he isn’t moving in our timeline and we do things our own way. We may not build a golden calf but all too often our desires and our ideas cause us to go in directions God never intended for us to go.

Listen to this week’s message and realize that in times when God isn’t doing what we want him to do, perhaps then of all times we should stop and pray! God invites us through a reminder “What if my people would pray?”