Cwhat you wantould you imagine someone approaching you and offering you anything you want? Think about it. You’re sitting at home, watching t.v. and the doorbell rings. When you answer it, you find a stranger there offering you anything you can think of. Have any thoughts yet? What is it that you want more than anything else? 

Some of us would ask for money, after all who couldn’t use a little extra cash? While others would ask for a different body, because let’s face it the one we’re in may not be the newest model. Or maybe a better job, or any job at all for that matter.

I’m a firm believer in the power of prayer. Now stick with me here – don’t give up on this too early. Just keep reading. 

I believe that everyday we’re approached by God, not with a knock on the door but with a knock on the heart. He’s knocking on our hearts and asking us what we want. He wants to give us the gifts that will truly be life-changing. I also believe that many of us who believe in prayer have no clue what to ask from God. We flounder in our prayers and just fumble through a couple of pre-scripted lines and end it with an amen in hopes that we’ve said something that is really meaningful.

So, what is it that you want? If you could ask for anything at all, for what would you ask? This is quite honestly a question with which we need to grapple. Give it a thought here for a second. What is the area of greatest need in your life? So now imagine if you would just ask God to help in that particular area.

Try it. What do you have to lose? Just take a second. You don’t have to stand a certain way or change your posture at all really. Just take a moment, let the stranger at the door know your deepest needs. Invite him in and ask him for the things that are really important. Then just go about your day. Try it. See what happens. I’d love to hear how your requests are answered.