There are two key questions that we all need to consider. We love to answer one but often fail to even consider the other. Now I could string this along and really agitate you but that wouldn’t be nice, so here are the two questions. Then we’ll talk about them.

Are we going to believe Jesus? And are we going to obey Jesus?

The first one seems to be the easy one. We don’t really have a problem with this question. We’ll read our bible and go to church. We’ll say we love him and value how much he loves us. We’ll teach the stories in the Bible to our children and read them to our grandchildren.

Believing in Jesus isn’t really a hard thing, especially for those who call themselves Christians. After all it’s kind of what being a Christian is about right?

I’m going to push back on that a little as we look at the second question. I don’t think believing Jesus is the crux of being a Christian. I think there are people who believe Jesus and yet don’t really get it. Believing is part of the equation but it’s not the point.

One of my favorite bible verses is from Matthew 28. It’s been called the Great Commission by church goers for centuries. It’s the passage where Jesus commissions the disciples and the church to make disciples. We split hairs over which words in the great commission are command style words, imperatives for all you grammar people. Is it supposed to be go and make disciples or while you are going make disciples? That’s a really good question but I don’t think that’s the point either.

One command in that verse is to make disciples. The rest of the verse is really about where and how we go about doing it. This is where we move to our second question – are we going to obey Jesus?

Believing Jesus is one thing, but obeying is a totally different ball game! Remember that great commission thing? Going into the world, make disciples of all nations…yeah read on just a few more words. Jesus goes on to say how we do this.

Not only is there this whole baptism thing, which we won’t spend time on here, but then there’s the next phrase. Teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. It’s right there – obey. It’s not teaching them to know all that I have commanded. He didn’t tell us to memorize large chunks of the Bible, although that isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s just not the point. The point is to teach them how to obey what the Bible says.

Obedience to the message of Jesus is what the life of the Christian should be all about. And our lack of obedience to the message of Jesus is often what gets the church in some hot water in the world. Another way to say this is that people rarely have a problem with Jesus. It’s Jesus’ people who are the problem.

I have plenty of friends on Facebook who are pretty open about their stance against Christians. What I think is so sad is the things they’re upset about are things Jesus would likely be upset about too. So often the way we live out our belief is a turn off for those who don’t really know the heart of Jesus.

The question about belief is important. For sure you need to believe the things of Jesus! But if you’re going to say you believe it, then you had better start acting like it has made a difference in your life.

You can’t half way the Christian life. It doesn’t work that way. Jesus says in the book of Revelation that either be hot for him or cold against but lukewarm (aka halfway) is vomit worthy. Yup Jesus is NOT ok with the lukewarm Christian because they aren’t really his followers!

One place where I see this belief but lack of obedience on full display is when we judge the world around us while we have our own baggage that needs addressing. Jesus talks about that too.

He says that we should take care of the boulder in our own eye before trying to nit pick at the speck in our brothers eye. Look there are problems in the world all around us. There’s no questions about that at all! But if we spend time working on the way we obey the message of the gospel and the teachings of Jesus, then we won’t need to worry as much about what words we have to say when talking about our faith. They’ll just see it right there in full frontal form.

So the two questions we all need to address – Do we believe in Jesus? And equally important are we going to obey the teachings of Jesus? This is a really great place for the follower of Jesus to start.