living for eternity today

Two Faced

Some people have a tendency to be one person in one group and a different person in another. It’s kind of hypocritical to be honest. But that’s not quite what we’re talking about here.

There’s a story in the Bible about a man named Adam. You might have heard of him from the story about creation in the book of Genesis. If you’re not familiar, he was the first person created in the Bible. He was also the first person to have a recorded mistaken written for the world to read. Well he and his wife, but there’s something about men in ancient culture that highlighted their actions.

But the story of Adam is one that actually lasts far past his recorded life in the Bible. He has an impact that actually reaches you and me to this day. That’s the point of a set of bible verses in the book of Romans chapter 5.

Adam ate a piece of fruit that he was told specifically by God not to eat. When he did that he started to see the world differently. He realized he was naked. He felt scared for the first time. He ran and hid from God in the garden. And as a direct result of his action, some animal had to die so he would have clothing. It was a pretty big deal actually.

But like I said, his actions have implications that go beyond just him. His actions affect you and me. They impact our actions, the actions of our children. The way we talk to one another. The way we see life. The way we react to stress and how we talk when we don’t get our way.

If you’ve ever driven a car that was out of alignment then you kind of have an idea what this looks like. A car out of alignment will pull in one direction or another. It makes it hard to stay on the road at times. This is kind of what happened when Adam did what he wasn’t supposed to do. His action has affected us so that we have a hard time staying on the straight and narrow road of life.

I mean think about it for a second. No one has to tell a child to talk back to their parents. No one has to teach them to say NO. No one has to give a class on disobedience. It’s like it comes naturally. We just get it. It’s part of our DNA. the Bible calls this type of reaction – sin. Sin is the act of missing the mark, doing what we know is wrong or not doing what we know is right.

Well this is just one face of humanity. God created Adam and set a perfect place for him to live but he didn’t follow the rules. Fast forward a few thousand years and turn the page to the New Testament and you’ll find Jesus. The bible calls Jesus the New Adam. It’s like the two faces of mankind.

If Adam is the disobedient and fallen face of mankind, then Jesus is the obedient and eternal face of man. What Adam did by blatantly disobeying God, Jesus essentially undid by fully obeying God even to the point of dying in our place.

The message of Romans 5 is that what Jesus did far surpassed the brokenness Adam caused. When Jesus, acting in full obedience and selflessness, willingly went to the cross he was renewing all of humanity. He didn’t do it just for Adam. He didn’t do it just for the disciples. He didn’t even do it just for you and me. He did it for all of humanity.

Now don’t hear what I’m not saying. That does not mean that everyone will be totally transformed and live this new kind of life. Actually some people will never want anything to do with Jesus. Some people just won’t care at all. The gift is there. It’s all been paid for but that doesn’t mean that everyone will be wiling to accept it.

That’s the story of the two faces of humanity. Everything needed to reverse what Adam did has already been done. It’s an amazing free gift of God’s grace. Now when we humbly rest in his finished work, we too receive that amazing gift of grace. It’s pretty much that easy!

1 Comment

  1. Barb Carter

    And what a wonderful gift we have been given. Be thankful!!!

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