Nativity_tree2011Twas the night before Christmas, when Mary and Jo
In a manger were resting for their baby to show
A stable was where they would make up their beds
And straw was the pillow they’d use for their heads.

The evening was ending, the time was at hand
A baby named Jesus was born in that land.
She wrapped him up tight and swaddled him close
With this child came God’s love, and a heavenly dose!

And when he was born heaven opened its light
And shined on some shepherds in a field that dark night.
They fell to the ground and were filled with great fear,
But the angel spoke quickly, “Do not shed one tear.”

I bring you good news of great joy on this night
A child has been born to take all your fright.
Yes a son has been born and Christ is his name,
More angels then showed to sing of his fame.

O Glory and Honor
Yes praise to the King
O Glory and Honor
Let your peace here reign.
He came down from heaven
He came down for all,
To die for you, Rise for you
Saving you all!

We all know the story, we’ve heard it before,
How he died and he rose to open heaven’s door.
A cross and some thorns were the gifts that we gave,
His life for ours, it’s us he did save.

And now, in our churches, we gather and sing,
All honor and glory to this child, our king.
For he is our hope and our peace and our light
Yes he is God’s love that came Christmas night.

Now off to your homes, go forth with God’s blessing.
The Father and Spirit and Son you surrounding.
May God bless you this night, as he shows you his love.
Merry Christmas to you, may you know God’s Great Love!