Life is pretty much a game of perspective. One day flat sucks while the next is your best day ever.  How can that be? Well, it’s all perspective. Perspective is basically a combination of your position and any extenuating circumstances that surround you. Perspective is what makes you see the rain one day and the beauty of the clouds the next. This morning our song is really one about perspective. 

I remember a day in sixth grade when we were outside playing soccer and a car slid out of control right in front of the school. We were all safe and the man driving was able to exit his truck safely as well. But our teacher took us all inside immediately after the accident and had us write what we saw. We all saw it from a similar angle but each of us had a different explanation. Some of us focused on the accident while others focused on the soccer game they were playing. Perspective is really an interesting thing. What’s most important is typically the thing upon which we focus.

Now this idea of perspective also applies to our daily lives as well. Some days drag on and on while others blow past. Some days are all about rain and gloom while some days we look past the rain and see the clouds rolling through the sky. Today in central Ohio it’s going to likely be a little dreary but lift up your head and look beyond the rain. See the clouds. See past the storm and gloom to see the one who put it all in place today for you. Look past the wet and see the warmth that today will bring.

Take every effort today to look beyond what’s right in front of you and see things in a different light. When you do this, you’ll begin to see things more from heaven’s light. Today is going to be beautiful because it’s a day made just for you.