I’ve recently been asked if Christians are allowed to be happy. It may seem like a strange question to some while a valid one to others, so I thought I’d share a little of my insights on the matter. Let’s start by looking at both sides of the matter:

There are some who say Happiness is the tool of the devil. When you’re happy it shows that you’re being selfish and that’s not biblical. The basic operating philosophy here is that the driving force of a Christian’s life is to deny self. While this is a very biblical concept, after all Jesus says it in Matthew 16:24. However there’s a problem. The point of Jesus’ words here are not self-denial but he’s talking about following Him. This passage says nothing about finding joy or happiness in life.

The other side of the equation are those that indicate the whole purpose of life is to make me happy. This is the self-gratification of some of today’s modern religion. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and it makes me feel better, then it’s just fine. But God also speaks pretty strongly about this as well. Jesus says that he came to serve others. He came to love the least of theseDelight in the Lord

So how do we justify this one? Where is the medium that God intends for us to live on this matter of happiness and selfishness? I believe that God does desire our happiness but not in some narcissistic way. He doesn’t want us to find joy and happiness in ourselves. The Psalmist states in Psalm 37:4, Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Elsewhere in the Psalms we’re to thirst for God and he’ll lead us to streams of water. He tells us that God will give us to drink from the river of His delights.

I believe that our worship of God should not only bring honor to God but should be a place where we enjoy the presence of God. Now don’t hear what I’m not saying on this matter. I’m not indicating that worship should bring us pleasure as if it were about us or something absurd like that. Simply so much of our worship of God is completely void of any real meaning because we strip the joyful noise out of hit. Our hearts have become so far removed from God for fear that we might enjoy it too much.

Sure there’s a line that needs to be maintained. As we mature in our faith, we need to be confident that God is ever above us as our Lord and our God. He is not going to bend his will to match our pleasures, but He wants us to delight in Him. God desires that the true joy of our hearts be found in His presence. God wants us to give cheerfully. He wants us to serve cheerfully. He wants us to worship with joyful obedience.

Should followers of Jesus be happy people? Absolutely! We don’t want to spend long periods of time in places where we don’t find joy. We ought to joy in the Lord. We are invited by our Savior to take refuge in Him. What can bring more joy than knowing the one to whom we can run in any situation! Be happy in your worship of God. Let his forgiveness bring a smile to your face. Let others see the pure pleasure of being a child of God.