One of the hardest things in the world is to see yourself as you really are. I mean we either look at ourself as our own worst critic, never giving ourselves any credit. Or we look at ourselves through rose-colored glasses and think we can’t do anything wrong. Now if you’re married, you can fix this false perception of yourself and just ask your spouse – they’re generally pretty honest. 🙂

But what about the real you? Not the you that you show in public but the real you. The one that’s hurting on the inside. The you that feels like life is totally falling apart. The you that no one gets to see. The you that is crying and you don’t know why. The you that feels like you just can’t get it together. What do you do when that you pops out accidentally?

This week’s #musicmonday is all about how you should see yourself. Through Your Eyes is a song about a broken person being able to see themselves through the eyes of their Father in Heaven. As you listen to this song I pray two things for you.

First, I pray that you are able to realize that the eyes in this song belong to the God who loves you and cares for you. I pray that you are able to see, even if it’s just a glimpse, through the eyes of the God who created you with his own hands. He formed you and he knows you. As you look at yourself in the mirror and think of your accomplishments and failures, I pray you are able to see the one for whom Jesus died. I pray you can see his hands outstretched to save you. He didn’t do it because you had it all together. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t need him if you did have it all together. He did it because you were worth saving. I hope you can see yourself through His eyes.

But I also pray that you have someone in your life that speaks truth to you. I pray someone encourages you and lifts you up. I pray that you have someone who tells you the amazing creation that you are. I pray that someone values you the way your heavenly Father values you. I pray that God sends you a real-life person that you can see and with whom you can talk that is able to give you a glimpse into the you that can be seen through the eyes of Christ.

Today, look in the mirror and see you through His eyes. And remember, there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you anymore and there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you any less.Â