Have you ever been struck with the funny, almost scary feeling that life is just way out of focus? I mean like you’re just going through the motions or that you’re having a hard time finding where you are in this big thing we call life? In a few recent conversations with several people, it sounds like I’m not the only one who has struggled with this! Wow is that ever refreshing!

But what are we to do about it? I mean think about it. If you’re driving and you find yourself lost, what do you do? Get a map. Open up your mapping program on your phone. You can even phone a friend or parent to help you get where you’re hoping to go. If you are trying to make something and don’t know all of the ingredients, you will likely find the recipe. But what about in our everyday lives? What about when we don’t know which way is up anymore? Where’s the roadmap or the recipe card for that one?

This morning my bible reading was from Psalm 18. When I read through it, I kind of stopped dead in my tracks. It was like something was jarred inside me that had been loose for a while. I’m not really sure what it was. I didn’t really even know something was wrong. But reading the opening lines of Psalm 18 were like seeing life through a looking glass of sorts.

I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

As I read these words something like a thick fog was raised from my eyes and then a song came on the radio titled Gravity by Landon Cantrell. That one will likely be coming soon as a Music Monday, but there was a line that really stood out at me

When the world is spinning out of control, Your love is like my gravity.

You see so often in life we look for meaning in the mirror. We look at it in our list of friends on social media or how many likes we get on that post we thought was really funny. Turns out we’ve been looking at life all wrong. We’ve been seeing this world without the looking glass!

Take a look at those words again the Lord is my rock, shield, salvation, stronghold. These are all power words. They are words that show that even in my weakest moments, when I don’t measure up to the worlds ideals. When I’m in a puddle of tears on my floor. When my loved ones are dying right in front of my eyes. When my kids are rebelling against me. When it seems like I’m all alone in life. THAT is when these words take shape.

It’s time to stop looking at the mountains in front of us and start looking to the one who has the power to create those mountains. It’s time that we realize that we have everything we need to more than survive this world but to thrive in it! It’s time that we pick up the looking glass of God’s promises and let him change the way we see things.

Whether you are one in a group of a million or one in three know that God loves you. He wants to be your rock, the place where you find protection. He wants to be your shield and protector. He wants to be your salvation and rescuer. And he is your stronghold, the one who’s holding you when you can’t hold onto him.

Now pick up that looking glass and let Him help you refocus.