What do you think of when you hear the word church? Do you think of a building, or a comfortable home, or maybe when you hear church you think of an obligation every Sunday. However, church has a different meaning. For years I lived believing that church was a building where I worshipped God. But church isn’t about a building with four walls and a roof. Once I was told that church was anywhere where two or more are gathered to worship Jesus. I believed that definition for a while, but now I disagree.

Church is not about a place, or about brothers and sisters in Christ who worship together. Personally, church is a moment alone with God. This moment can happen anywhere at anytime. I heard the song This Place, by Building 429 for the first time the other day. The message is so powerful and the place they sing about is in your heart.

God is near to heal anyone who is hopeless, broken, lost, searching, or hurting. This doesn’t happen inside a building. This healing that God brings and changes lives with happens in the hearts of those who love him. Lay down your burdens and give them to God. He can change them wherever you happen to be.

When you come to God as you are, with your heart wide open, He will make Himself a place in your heart. Your life will forever be changed when He lives inside of you. Then anytime you hurt, or are lost, look inside your heart and there you will find healing in this place.

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20