Where did he go! The promise was clear. I will never leave you. But sometimes in life is sure seems as if he’s gone. It seems as if he’s left us to fend for ourselves. It seems the pain is too much to bear and the hurt is just more than we can handle. Where was Jesus when I needed him most?

This is the thought of many in our world especially today as pain, heartache, confusion and violence swirl around us. People are losing jobs. Family members are getting sick. Loved ones are dying. Finances are dwindling faster than we can recover. Violence and hatred are seemingly the rage these days.

So if these things are true then where is Jesus? Where is he when I’m hurting and lost? Where is he when I don’t know which way to turn? Where is he when my business is burnt down and my family is a wreck?

The chorus of this week’s Music Monday is a reminder that even when we’re not looking for Jesus, he’s still right there. In the waiting and in the hurting and in the pain and in the sorrow, Jesus is just as present there as he ever has been. Rest today in the certainty that Jesus is still in control. He’s present. He’s active. He’s alive and well. He’s here for you and in you empowering you to live for him.