Recently someone shared a little about a struggle they’re facing. Their future is bringing new challenges and opportunities. It’s new which means it’s both exciting and scary all at the same time. This person is dealing with what many of us deal with when we face new things. We know the possibilities ahead are immense and wonderful but the fear of the unknown has a tendency to stop us in our tracks. 

Sometimes these new moments can make us retreat and hide. We can run away and bury our heads in our pillows and just want to hide from it all. Change is often times scary. Change can be terrifying if we don’t have the right support system around us. When we know that something new and different is looming around the corner it’s important to be surrounded by family and friends who are simply there to lift us when we’re weak and encourage us when we’re down.

I know this week’s song is one I’ve already used but I think someone can use to hear these words. I’m pretty sure that someone out there needs to know that whatever you’re going through, whatever is just around that next corner, whatever is freaking you and causing you those sleepless nights – this is a prayer for you. Imagine that someone who cares about you deeply wrote this as a letter just for you.

I pray you have a friend or two that will always be there for you. I pray that you find someone who is willing to walk through life with you even when they can’t be beside you. I pray you find rest  in the powerful arms of Jesus who keeps us together even when we’re apart.

Friend, you’re going to do great things. No matter where you go someone is carrying you in their heart so you’re never truly alone. Be blessed!