Today is only Monday but it feels kind of like I’ve lived an entire week in just one short day. And my day wasn’t nearly as stressful as the days of the people I had a chance to serve today! From children’s hospital with family who was anxiously awaiting good news about their son’s heart trouble to in a few hours I’ll be sitting with another family as they say goodbye to a long time four-legged friend. These days when emotions go wild and when your heart breaks for the people around you do you have someone on whom you can lean? 

Friendships are really important. Even more important are choosing your friends wisely. Some people will come into your life for a season. They’ll get you through a rough patch and then they’ll disappear that fog in the morning sun. Other friends will stick to you closer than Gorilla Glue! But what happens when the friends you’ve made and the relationships you’ve established aren’t readily accessible? Maybe you had a job change and you’re no longer there with this special person in your life. Maybe you’re away at college and your roommate is being a pill (to put it mildly) and you just need that friend to lean on. What do you do?

This week’s #musicmonday song is about that friendship. It’s about the friendship that was built for times like those moments. It’s about the friendships we have that were built not around similar interests or hobbies. These friendships are ones that have been built on a firm foundation of trust and a common connection through Christ.

These friends are the ones who will always point you to Jesus. So for my friends who are struggling right now. Maybe it’s a weird and wonky dream that’s been haunting you at night. Maybe you’re struggling with a crazy situation at work. Maybe it’s a loved one (son, dad, husband) who’s not well or needs a little help in the healing process. Maybe your schedule is filled to the max and you’re just not sure how you’re going to make it through. Maybe your spouse or significant other needs a little “direction.” Whatever it is, hear the words to the chorus of this song:

Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You’re going to do great things,
I already know,
God’s got His hand on you so,
Don’t live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don’t forget why you’re here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say

My friend you were made for such a time as this. Lean on me, I’ll be here even if we’re not close. God’s got this – whatever this is!