On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Three french hens…
Every day from Christmas to Epiphany brings another gift. And each gift has a meaning. We’ve already looked at the 2 turtle doves and the partridge in a pear tree, so today let’s take a peak at these 3 french hens.
Throughout the bible there are several numbers that all have special meaning. The number three is one of the most popular numbers throughout the bible, reminding us of the God we serve being one God yet three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three is a remind of the completeness of who God is but this gift of three french hens is actually more simple than that.
In 1 Corinthians 13 we find a description of God’s love for us. It’s a pretty familiar section of the Bible, even for many who don’t identify as church going followers of Jesus. Love is patient. Love is kind. There is a whole list of things the bible shows us about God’s love for us. But at the close of this chapter we hear of three things that are gifts above all gifts Faith, Hope and Love. These are our three French Hens.
As we look at this gift we realize just how important these gifts truly are. Faith is the gift of God’s Spirit that allows us to trust the work of God is enough for us. Faith is the certainty of our hope. It’s the assurance that God sent his Son to live, die and rise for us showing us his love.
The gift of Hope is a remind of God’s Son whose death and resurrection give us hope for tomorrow. Some days the fears of life crash in on us but with this gift of Hope we can see beyond today to a future that God has for us because of Jesus.
The gift of Love is the greatest gift of the three. This gift is so special and so great because it’s the gift of the Father specifically for us. It’s better than faith and hope because one day, when we meet the Father face to face, we won’t need hope or faith but love will remain.
Today as your celebration of Christmas continues take a moment to receive this gift that God has given you. May the gift of the 3 French Hens call to you and remind you of the Faith, Hope and Love that are yours because they are gifts to you from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Merry day 3 of Christmas!
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