On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
Six Geese a Laying.

Now if you’ve been tracking with us for the past few days, then this one probably won’t be all that much of a surprise to you. Numbers are pretty important in the bible. Each number has its own significance and meaning. And the number six is no different. On this sixth day of Christmas we celebrate the six days of creation and the reminder that even though it looks complete it wasn’t finished until day seven when God rested.

Back in Genesis chapter 1 we are given the account of how the world came to be. According to the bible, God spoke and things happened. Now we’re not going to go into all of the detail behind each day or the old vs young earth talk around today. Let’s focus on the near complete nature of the world and day six. So you may have to suspend some disbelief for a moment, come on you can do it!

Take a second to close your eyes and imagine standing in a large open field. Not a field of wheat or corn but a pasture of green grass, with trees outlining the entire property. Imagine that green grass and those trees now with animals of all kinds walking around them. Can you see the fruit trees with luscious fruit hanging from their branches? Imagine this is all for you.

According to the bible, God did this in six days. Each day containing a new layer of his creation. He created the light and pulled it out of the darkness. He created the land and pulled it out of the seas. Each thing had its place and its time in creation. Each part of the world around us is a reminder of life and death and the struggle between these two cosmic forces.

On this sixth day of Christmas, we celebrate the six geese a laying as we see the evidence of life all around us. The number six reminds us of the Bible’s account of six days of creation. The geese laying eggs remind us of the promise of life that comes from creation. The eggs themselves remind us that the real life isn’t quite revealed yet. The bible teaches that we have life now for sure, but the real and full life for which we’re waiting isn’t “hatched” yet. Ok so the bible doesn’t talk about hatching but you get the point.

Look around you today. See the evidence of life all around you. Take note of the places where life is trying to break through. See how this gift of creation is so vast and almost inexplicable. But it’s for you and me to enjoy. And as wonderful as this world is, it pales in comparison to the wonders of the life that awaits us when the egg finally hatches.

Have a blessed Christmas (day 6)!