When you look around, what do you see? A world that’s empty and bleak? Or a world bursting with possibility? I’m reminded of this question every spring when I plant my garden. A couple envelops of seeds sure don’t look like much. But in a few months those seeds become full grown plants that produce far more fruit and vegetables than I could imagine.

In the Genesis account, God didn’t just create for the sake of filling empty space. He made a world designed to be overflowing with life. Creation itself is a testimony to the abundance mindset that God has built into the very fabric of existence.

Every created thing has within it the power to bring forth something new. Fruit contains seeds, allowing them to reproduce and grow more fruit. Animals and humans, have the ability to reproduce and fill the earth. God didn’t design creation to be a one-and-done deal. He built it with the potential for multiplication, for abundance, for more. He planted a cycle of increase right into nature itself.

But here’s the secret we seem to have forgotten: this abundance mindset wasn’t just for creation—it’s meant for us too. Yet, many of us live with a scarcity mindset. We focus on what we lack instead of what we have. We look at the challenges, the struggles, and the limitations, and we convince ourselves that there just isn’t enough. Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough opportunities, not enough love, not enough grace. But when did God ever say there wouldn’t be enough?

Creation isn’t the only thing He filled with potential. He also filled you with potential. You have been made in His image, crafted by the Creator who designed this entire system of overflow. But so many times, we find ourselves operating out of fear, out of worry, out of this scarcity mindset that tells us we’ll never have enough. And it’s killing us.

The Bible is filled with reminders of God’s abundance. Look at how Jesus fed thousands with just a five loaves and two fish, and he even had leftovers. He turned water into wine, and I don’t mean a cup of it but gallons upon gallons! And when He said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” He wasn’t talking about a mediocre, halfway kind of life. He was talking about an abundance of love, grace, and purpose.

A Mindset Shift

Now, don’t get me wrong: abundance doesn’t mean we’re all going to be swimming in cash or never facing tough times. This isn’t some backhanded way of talking about some form of prosperity gospel. It means that we stop letting fear and lack of anything dictate our lives. We stop saying, “I can’t,” and start asking, “What has God called me to do?”

The Apostle Paul talks about being content whether in plenty or in want (Philippians 4:12-13). Contentment isn’t settling for less. It’s the confidence that whether you have little or much, God’s got you. And let’s face it—God’s version of “little” is often more than we think.

But the problem is, so many of us don’t realize what we’ve been given. We see our lives as empty baskets instead of containers brimming with seeds. But remember, seeds don’t just grow on their own; they need planting. They need water, sunlight, and care. It’s time to plant seeds of abundance in our lives, our churches, and our communities.

Abundance is a Lifestyle

When we start to live with an abundance mindset, we begin to see opportunities where others see obstacles. We start seeing potential where others see problems. We become people who give freely, who love deeply, and who live fully.

Our churches need this mindset too. Are we going to be a church that hoards what we have, fearing it will run out? Or are we going to believe in the overflow? We have to step out in faith, believing that the same God who created this world of abundance can provide what we need to grow, to reach, and to impact more lives.

An abundance mindset isn’t just a nice idea; it’s a choice. It’s a choice to believe that God has given you enough to be a blessing, to make a difference, and to step out boldly. It’s a choice to look at your life, your church, your community, and see not what is lacking, but what is possible.

So, how are you going to live? Are you going to be someone who sits back, afraid of running out? Or are you going to be someone who steps out, believing that the God who made fruit with seeds, animals with the ability to reproduce, and humans with the power to create has also given you everything you need to live abundantly?

Let’s stop thinking small. Let’s step into the overflow. Because when you live with an abundance mindset, you’re not just living for yourself. You’re becoming a part of God’s plan to keep creation multiplying, thriving, and changing the world.