The Hurt And The Healer Sometimes the pains in life are just too much to bear. There are days when we’re just not sure we’re going to make it. Maybe you have worked more hours than you though humanly possible. Maybe you have so much going on in your classes that you’re not sure how you’ll ever keep up. Perhaps your health isn’t what you thought it should be. Maybe you’re lonely and in need of someone with whom you can share your life. 

No matter where you find yourself on the spectrum of life, there’s a point in life where things change. There’s an intersection of hurt and healer that relieves the pain and allows us to it’s going to be ok. The chorus to the song remind us that in this place we find Jesus with his arms open wide. In this intersection where the hurt and the healer collide we find the one true God who never left us. We see the Father longing to have us back home. We feel the breath of life course through our lungs and bring us back to life.

The bible says in John 10:10 I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. This comes from the Message paraphrase of the Bible. It’s a fun resource for personal study and devotion. Jesus’ words here remind us of that intersection. It’s the place when we get to experience real life. It’s the point of impact where hurt and healer collide in a meaningful explosion of the realization of God’s love.

We all have hurts. My prayer for you today is that your hurt is met by the healer today. I pray that when your hurt meets your healer you experience a collision of grace and mercy the likes of which you’ve never seen.