We’ve all heard it: The grass is greener on the other side. That phrase has led people to quit jobs, walk away from marriages, leave churches, chase trends, and uproot their lives—only to realize too late that “the other side” was just an illusion.

Ok, so let’s talk about real grass for a second. Ever drive through the country and see a yard where one patch of grass is noticeably greener than the rest? Guess what’s underneath it? It’s probably septic tank. Yeah, all that lush, vibrant green grass is being fed by, well… crap.

That should tell us something.

Fertilized by the Mess

Life stinks sometimes. You go through betrayals, failures, disappointments. You get blindsided by heartbreak, struggle through a dead-end job, or feel stuck in a season where nothing seems to be going right. It’s easy to look at someone else’s situation and think, If only I had what they had. If only I could start over there.

But what if the very thing you’re going through right now—the hardship, the pain, the “crappy” season—is the fertilizer for the best growth of your life?

The Bible is full of people who found the best endings from the worst circumstances:

  • Joseph went from being betrayed and sold into slavery to running Egypt.
  • Ruth lost everything and became a widow but ended up in the family line of Jesus.
  • Paul got thrown in prison and wrote some of the most powerful letters in Scripture.

They didn’t run to the “greener” grass. They stayed where God had them and let Him use even the worst situations for something powerful.

Stop Chasing Illusions

The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s greener where it’s watered and fertilized.

People leave jobs, churches, and relationships thinking something better is out there, but they’re bringing the same unhealed heart, the same bad habits, and the same discontentment with them. The problem isn’t always the location—it’s the lack of cultivation. It’s a failure of motivation. It’s a void of initiative.

So, what if instead of chasing after some idealized version of life, you started watering where you are? What if you saw your tough season as an opportunity instead of a curse?

The Best Growth Comes from the Worst Mess

God is in the business of redeeming the garbage (crap) of our lives. He takes what stinks, what’s broken, what looks hopeless, and turns it into something beautiful.

So, the next time you’re tempted to think the grass is greener somewhere else, remember: The greenest grass is often growing over the biggest mess. Maybe, just maybe, God is using your current situation to grow something you never expected.

Don’t run. Dig in. Water where you are. Watch what He does next.