Man I have to admit I’ve been running around lately like I’m all that matters. I have to take a minute to confess that sometimes I have a bit of a “god complex.” I don’t mean to do it. It just happens. It happens when I think that things won’t get done if I don’t do them. It happens when I push too hard. It happens when I lead from too far in front of people that they can’t see me anymore. It happens when people don’t do things exactly the way I want them done.

Then when things fall apart, when I fail, when something breaks, when I get worn out and broken – I start to put additional pressure on myself. It’s no fun! Believe me – this is NOT the way it should be. So what do we do about it? What do we do when we think it’s all about us?

Here’s one of the greatest things about being a follower of Jesus. And I know this sounds a little cliché and a tad on the nuts side but when I see Jesus it helps me realize that my failing moments are the reason he’s there. The bible says,

My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Man is that freeing or what? His power is best demonstrated when I have nothing to add to it. His power, not mine but HIS is at it’s best when I quit thinking it’s all about me and lean into him. This is one of my favorite things about being  follower of Jesus and part of the Lutheran tradition. We believe wholeheartedly that the gospel is all about Jesus. It’s all about God’s undying love for his people in spite of me. That’s the cool part – in spite of me. This means that no matter what I try and fail or even the things at which I succeed and let go to my head – it doesn’t affect his love for me.

Do I need to be perfect? Nope. If I was perfect, I wouldn’t need Jesus. Do I just go on being a crazy lunatic who’s on a path of self-destruction? Nope – because that too is lunacy. Paul tells us in the bible that we shouldn’t go on sinning so that we get more grace. So what do we do with it?

Simple…live in the gospel. It’s the gospel that makes a difference in our lives. It’s the gospel that changes the way we see things. It’s the gospel that re-shapes our today and charts a course for our future. The gospel, in the simplest of terms, is the way God sees you in spite of your successes or failures. It’s the life of Jesus lived on your behalf. The gospel is the realization that there’s nothing you can do to make God love you any more and there’s nothing you can do to make him love you any less.

The gospel is the most freeing part of my life. It lets me fail without making me a failure. It lets me succeed without allowing me to be god. The gospel my new identity and I’d love to share with you how it can be yours too. Give this week’s song a listen and if you want to know more, just give me a comment and I’ll connect with you. The gospel is the most life-changing thing you’ll ever experience.