We all like to play God from time to time. We pretend that we know better. We act as if our way would somehow be able to change the future. But have you ever realized that when other people act like that, we have choice words for them. We want to give up on people who don’t live like we do. We walk away from people who get on our nerves. When someone says something that isn’t what we want to hear, it’s easier to walk away than stick it out and talk through the problem.

This week’s Music Monday is about that very thing. What would happen if we let God be God and we stayed in our lane. Have you ever thought about how you treat God? I mean we run from him and then wonder where he went. We neglect him and then blame him for things not going well. We do the exact opposite of what he tells us to do and when things fall apart we gripe and complain.

The story of this week’s song is that God is a God who stays. He doesn’t run when things get rough like we do. He doesn’t hang up the phone when we say mean things. He doesn’t leave us lost and alone. He’s a God who stays.

I don’t know what you’re going through or what you’re dealing with or what pain you’re suffering right now but know this. You are not alone. Through it all God is a God who stays. He’s right there in the divorce. He’s with you as you walk out of your office for the last time. He’s there beside you in the car that you just wrecked. He’s there by your bed as you get your last chemotherapy treatment. He’s there because He’s a God who stays. Remember that today. God is a God who stays.