On Wednesday nights at Living Word we’re journeying through the famous story by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. It’s a wonderful story of a man caught up in himself who is led to a major life change by visits from four different Ghosts throughout Christmas Eve. We started this series with a visit from the Ghost of Marley, Scrooge’s partner. This week we meet the Ghost of Christmas Past. 

After Marley left Scrooge was noticeably disturbed. He tossed and turned unsure of what was to come. It all came to a head when the clock rang 1 o’clock. He was awoken by his first promised visitor the Ghost of Christmas Past. Now it’s easy to let your mind wander on this one. It’s easy to let the movie versions of this story affect the way we understand it. I’m not so sure this ghost actually was a ghost at all. Perhaps this ghost was more a visit in the form of memories from Scrooge’s past. Memories that would haunt him through the night.

At any rate, the Ghost shows Scrooge his past. He is reminded of his dad who was abusive and his mom who died while he was still young. He was reminded of his sister who died while giving birth to his nephew. He was also reminded of a young lady who caught his eye, Belle. She was a beautiful girl who was a perfect match for young Scrooge.

But as Scrooge grew older, he changed. He became inward focused. He stopped showing love for others and started focusing on accumulating his own wealth and taking care of himself. Belle told him that she needed something different from him but he wanted nothing of it and left her.

Memories are powerful! In Luke 4, Jesus is talking with the people of Israel. He’s reminding them, much like the Ghost of Christmas Past, of the way things were. He’s reminding them of promises of the coming Messiah. Jesus reminds them that this one to come would set them free and restore them. He would save them and give them a hope and a future. Then He tells them that the one for whom they look is standing right in front of them. Jesus is the Messiah.

As you can imagine this was a bit hard to swallow. They had waited for centuries, millennia even. Now this son of a carpenter tells them that he is the one for whom they’ve been waiting. He wasn’t exactly what they were seeking. Like Scrooge these memories stir up emotions for them. They are saddened to see that Jesus might be the king promised long ago. They are in denial that a normal seeming guy could do what they were expecting. But Jesus was the one. He was the one who would fulfill the promises of the Old Testament. He would obey the laws of the covenant relationship between God and Israel. He would pay for the wrongs they committed. He would restore the broken relationship.

Looking back we can see a vast number of memories that shape our lives as well. Memories come in all shapes and sizes. Some memories demonstrate wonderful blessings while other memories remind us of brokenness and hurt. But more importantly we can see in our memories that no matter where we find ourselves God’s love and care are always present.

Take a moment today to look back. Don’t relive the past, but let your memories take you back to a time already lived. Feel the warmth of the love from that special someone. Hear the sounds of the children as they were still young. See the tree decorated for the first Christmas you remember as a child. Memories are wonderful tools used by God to show us how he’s been shaping us.

I pray for your journey today with the Ghost of Christmas Past. May your eyes be opened to the wonders of God’s love for you through the memories he brings to your mind.