In this week’s message we spent time looking again at the final word of Jesus from the cross. Through Lent we often pick around at the seven last words of Jesus, but this year we look at just one word. The word in Greek is tetelestai, which means it is finished. The amazing part of this word is that when we really break it down, this word has 6 different meanings for us today. Each week in this series we’ll look at a different meaning of this simple yet profound word.

Last week we kicked off the series looking at the idea of accomplished. What Jesus finished on the cross was actually accomplishing what God set out for him to accomplish. In that moment, what Adam erased in the fall Jesus accomplished on the cross.

This week we spin the word around a little to see it from a different angle, the angle of Fulfillment. The Old Testament of the Bible contains three basic types of literature – narrative, poetry, prophecy. The first two here are pretty typical and most know what they mean, but the third isn’t as normal in our day to day lives. Prophecy is the writing that contained thoughts and comments about the future that God revealed to his people through people called prophets.

We believe that in the Bible all prophecy ultimately points to Jesus. This means that although an event in history seemed to be the answer to the prophecy, really there was something far bigger going on. So when Jesus from the cross called out It is finished, he was really saying all those promises are now fulfilled.

This means that it’s not our doing or even our believing that fulfills God’s promise in our lives. Rather it’s the in whom we believe, the one who did it all for us that makes the promises and prophecies a reality for us today.

Here’s the message from Sunday. Give is a listen and make a comment. I’d love your feedback and thoughts!