It’s easy to let the things of this world start to make us change our outlook on life. People change and let us down. Those who seemed closed to us at one point start drifting toward other people. Our successes soon become things of the past. Our talents eventually fade. Our mistakes mount up. Those who respected us at one time, now look down on us or are simply ambivalent toward us. It’s easy to let these things changes negatively impact our view of life.

This week’s Music Monday helps us focus on the reality that as bad as these moments are today, they don’t define us. Part of the belief system that surrounds the follower of Jesus is that we’re never alone. We have this indescribable presence of God that goes with us wherever we go. It’s hard to explain and probably even harder to understand if you’re not a person who believes in God.

It’s kind of like living in a constant state of trust fall. If you’ve never done a trust fall, the idea is simple. You fall. And you trust that someone will be there to catch you. Now this isn’t blind trust! You don’t go outside alone and fall backward assuming that someone will materialize and be there to catch you. Faith is very similar. We don’t blindly trust God. That’s not what faith is!

Faith is resting in the trusted character of a God who’s always been there and always made a way for you. I mean seriously. If you’re reading this then you haven’t lost it yet. You got close! You might have teetered eerily close to that dangerous edge between sanity and totally losing yourself, but you’re still here and that’s great!

The idea of being in the Father’s House is quite simply that everywhere you go, God is there. Nothing can come against you that he doesn’t see. No one can challenge you that God hasn’t allowed to be there. Rest in the trusted presence of God who allows bad things to happen so that the better things can be found in your life.