Ever fall and not know how to recover? Ever make a mistake that seems so big no one will ever let you live it down? Ever just want to give up, close yourself in your room and NEVER come out? Then it’s time for a comeback! 

Imagine life is like a boxing match. With ever mistake the world lands another blow. First a left, then a right. You teeter, weak in the knees, ready to fall. You stumble and then your face hits the mat. It doesn’t matter what you did. It doesn’t matter the nature of the mistake. They all lead to the same horrible feeling of being a failure. The wrongs that happen by us or to us tend to start defining us. The more time we spend on the mat, the harder it is to see anything good.

Then it happens. The comeback. The comeback for the Christ follower isn’t about our abilities. It’s not about you and me having it all together or finally figuring out how life works. Instead it’s realizing that someone bigger, stronger than you has this whole thing under control. The comeback is what happens when we hit the bottom. We can’t have a comeback moment if we’re always on top.

Here’s the goal for today. Realize when you’ve hit the bottom. Face your fears head on. Fail at something, it’s ok. Just don’t give up hope. The comeback happens after we admit we don’t have it all together. The comeback takes place when we see a light shining brighter than our darkness. Today is your comeback moment. Tackle this day knowing that a God who is much larger than you can imagine has this day in his hand. Live it! Learn from it! Most of all Love in the midst of it.

Shine like the sun my friends! This is your Comeback moment!