IAlongsider Discipleshipt’s a word that brings fear into the hearts of many. The idea of change is frightening to say the least. But why? Why is change so frightening?

If you really think about it, change is all around us. For instance, look outside – go ahead, peek out the window. You just witnessed change. Everything around us is in a constant state of change. The grass is slowly changing. The leaves are changing color. The clouds are moving thereby changing the scenery. Our bodies are slowly growing older and cells are dying. That’s all change!

But that’s not all that’s changing. The bible actually talks about other ways that things around us are changing. Actually the bible tells us that we are in a state of change as well. We’ve been changed from death to life, following evil, living in disobedience but now we are lights in the world. We are followers of the Son of God. Our disobedience has been forgiven and covered by the righteousness of God. Now that’s a change worth talking about!

A disciple is one that recognizes that this change has happened. A disciple sees the change and seizes opportunities to talk about it with others. Actually a disciple sees him/herself as an agent of that change. If you really think about it, through our conversations with friends and neighbors we are bringing a life-changing force into their lives. The message of the bible is a set of conversations intended to impact our lives and instill this idea of change.

People who are intentional followers of Jesus, seeking to make disciples of all nations, will find ways to have these kinds of life-changing conversations. Whether it’s reading the bible with someone. Note with someone not at someone. Maybe it’s praying with and for them. Perhaps this conversation of change happens at work. It might even happen on the ball field. It really doesn’t matter how or when or where this conversation happens. The reality is a disciple is one who seeks to make these discoveries and have these life-changing conversations daily.

Today, take a minute and have a conversation. Just be intentional. Don’t preach. Don’t beat people over the head with judgement or even with bible verses. Just have conversations. Let your love for the Lord be evident in how he has changed you. And pray that the gospel might have that same changing effect on those in the places where you live, work and play.