Imagine for a moment having 100 of something, anything really, and then losing one of them. For those of you who are slow at math, that leaves you with 99 remaining. What would you do about the one you lost? Let’s say for instance you had 100 pennies and dropped one under the couch. You move the couch but can’t find it. How much more would you dig for it? What about if it wasn’t pennies but something of more value like an animal. I don’t know, say sheep. You have 100 sheep and one of those pesky little critters runs away. What would you do?

Now let’s take it one step further. That one sheep that ran away has been a royal pain in the backside for quite a while. This isn’t the first time it’s ran away! It’s constantly picking on the other 99 sheep. It’s really not the prettiest of sheep in the flock either. Actually the more you think about it, that sheep is almost more of a pain than it’s worth! But it’s your sheep, so what do you do?

This story is only part made up. The bible tells the account of a shepherd who had the 100 sheep and left the 99 to come and find the one that ran away. Now that one that ran away, that’s you and me. We might not really run away or ditch the rest of the flock but at times in our lives we all wander in our own direction.

Well the church I am so blessed to pastor has an understanding that the Bible contains a powerful truth. God is the shepherd who is on a relentless pursuit of his runaway sheep. We say it a little different.

The story of the bible is that of a Father's relentless pursuit of his wayward children. Share on X

So now you and I are the runaway sheep, the wayward children. And just like that pesky critter in our example, sometimes we’re more trouble than it seems we’re worth! But in God’s eyes we’re worth more than gold or silver. There’s no price tag he wasn’t willing to pay for us. That’s the message of the bible. God saw such value in us that he was willing to exchange his son for our lives. He left his own son to come find us and call us his own. That’s pretty special!

The next time you think you’re not worthy or valuable, remember God left the 99 to come find you! Sounds like you’re priceless to me!