maxresdefault-13Sometimes life deals us some pretty hard hits. We wonder why does this kind of thing happen to me. We ask where did God go in the midst of my pain! We yell at God and wonder how he could let something like this happen to me. When some devastations hit our lives, we feel as if we’ll never be the same. It’s like our heart just stops…

When these moments hit us, we’re left in a downward spiral of sadness, despair, and often loneliness. We see everyone with the thing we want but can’t have. We hear others talk about their joyful moments and all we feel is sadness. There’s an empty space in our lives and our hearts just feel broken. We cling to the things that just never quite happened. Nothing that anyone can say will make the pain go away. Nothing that anyone can do will make you feel whole again.

But there’s an encouragement found in the words to this song. The encouragement is that it’s ok to keep going. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to feel broken. But it’s also ok to keep moving forward. Don’t cling to the things that could have been but never materialized. I know this will be hard. I can’t imagine the pain you’re in right this moment. But try something, right here…right now…

In a moment close your eyes. Then take in a slow, deep breath through your nose. Breathe in the fresh air around  you and fill your lungs as full as you can. Then slowly release all of that air through your mouth. No panting or speeding through this. Just breathe it in. And what you’re breathing in is nothing other than the very presence of the Spirit of God that surrounds you. Go ahead and do it right now. Breathe in the healing, the comfort, the consolation, the relief, the peace that comes from knowing that God is in control. When you close your eyes and just breathe, you’ll likely feel your muscles relax. It’s ok! It’s actually a good thing! Go ahead, I’ll wait.


Now in a moment I want to invite you to listen to a Danny Gokey sing about letting your heart beat again. I want you to know that I’m praying for you this week. I may not even know you, but I’m praying for you. I don’t know your situation but God does and that’s all that matters. If you’re in a place where you are able, close your eyes and picture the moments that give you pain as you listen to this song. Inhale and exhale slowly, intentionally, deeply. Then watch those pains and hurt-filled moments as they are gathered up in the hands of God. He’s got them. He isn’t telling you not to hurt. He’s not telling you it’s no big deal. He’s telling you that it’s ok to breathe. It’s ok to keep going. He’s got this thing. It’s ok for you to be YOU again.