living for eternity today

Tag: worship (Page 4 of 4)

Joy Of The Lord

Rend CollectiveYesterday was a pretty fun day! I have to be honest that I don’t say that very frequently. Yesterday was Sunday and at the church I serve, we held worship outside. And it was just plain fun. We had a great time just enjoying each other’s company. The weather was hot but when we thought we’d burn up the breeze blew through our worship pavilion. We sang some songs that to some might seem a bit silly. We did motions that forced us to raise our hands and even dance a little. And if you don’t know anything about the church tradition to which I belong that’s a fairly big deal!  Continue reading


Blessing-The-Cornerstone-11A cornerstone is a key part of any building structure. It’s said that the building rests on that particular stone to gain its maximum strength. If this is true, the cornerstone is critical. You don’t want a cornerstone made out of a soft material. You don’t want a cornerstone for your building made from a material that is ever-changing. You want a cornerstone that is solid, planted firmly, and never moving.  Continue reading

Even So Come

maxresdefault-7This morning we’re less than two weeks away from Easter. Over the next fourteen days we’ll journey with Jesus through some of the most difficult times in his earthly life. He’ll be accepted, then rejected and betrayed. He’ll be accused, tried in a bogus trial, beaten, mocked, ridiculed, forced to carry his own instrument of torture, then killed. He’ll be buried, and when it seems as if all help is lost be raised.  Continue reading

The Story Of Worship

the_way_of_worship-title-2-still-16x9So far in our look at worship, we’ve covered the topics of What Is Worship and Service or Serve Us. This week we look at the storyline of worship. While it may not be as evident to some, there is a storyline to our gatherings of praise and worship. Whether it’s a service built around the historic liturgy or a service using a more modern expression, the story should be similar. From start to finish we can see the story fleshed out in all that happens. It’s a story that mirrors the story of God in the bible. In order to know the story of worship, we must first catch a glimpse of the story of God. Continue reading

Service Or Serve Us

how_shall_we_worship-title-2-still-16x9Last week we looked at the basic idea of what is worship. Simply put, worship is the action of God coming to us and filling us. It’s God inviting us to a time and a place, to a lifestyle of receiving from God then (and only then) do we return with hearts of thankfulness and praise. The whole post on What Is Worship can be found here.

This week we’ll look more at how we are served in worship. It sounds so self-centered to say that worship is about what we receive but in reality that’s what the invitation is all about – God inviting us to receive. Now before we get too deep into this, it’s important to understand one key aspect to this whole receiving business. Worship isn’t about what I want but what I need.  Continue reading

What Is Worship?

As many of you know, I’m a pastor of a church. And a big part of what we do is this thing called worship. We hold it on different days of the week but generally we do this thing on Sunday mornings. There are many styles of worship. Some people use tons of songs while others use none at all. Some worship is packed with teaching and others use an interactive style approach to the time of worship.  Continue reading
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