living for eternity today

Tag: worry

In Jesus Name

So for people who say they follow Jesus, this should be a given. Should is the operative word in that phrase. But how often is prayer one of the last things on the list? I know for myself it’s not the first thing I run to when I know it should be! It’s disheartening that I can’t seem to get that part of my Christian walk right.

This week we focus on putting Jesus’ name on everything. We do this primarily through prayer. I don’t want to clutter this thing up with too many words so we’ll keep it short and to the point.

Who will you pray for in Jesus’ name today?

What is going on in your life that needs to be given over to Jesus to take care of for you?

Who in your life is hurting and needs to know the Jesus who cares and loves them?

These are just a few things that need Jesus’ name spoken over them. Buying a car? Put the car in Jesus’ name for a day or two before you get it. Changing jobs? Leave it in Jesus’ name for a night or two and see what he says. Having trouble with illness, loneliness, anxiety? Put Jesus’ name on it tonight and sleep knowing he has it.

Look I get it prayer isn’t some magic potion that as soon as we say AMEN everything goes perfect. But something happens inside of us when we place our concerns, loved ones, troubles in Jesus’ name. It’s a faith thing. It’s a trust moment.

So what in your life needs to have Jesus’ name attached to it today? Praying you today friend.

It’s Time To Let Go

Have you ever done one of those challenges where you held a glass of water (or other beverage) out in front of you to see how long you could hold it up? The challenge is actually kind of interesting. The glass is light so you’d think it wouldn’t be a problem. The glass, even when full, weighs hardly anything in the grand scheme of things you carry daily. So this can’t be hard right?

Well as you start out, it’s easy. The glass is just there. Then the task of holding it becomes a little annoying. How long can I actually do this? And eventually the shoulder starts to tremble and the water inside shakes a little. Then finally you just have to put the glass down because your arm can’t handle it anymore.

But why? Why did the glass get so heavy? You didn’t change its mass or weight. You didn’t hang anything extra off of your arm. It’s just there. A light weight glass with 8 ounces of water and somehow after a series of minutes, the glass got heavier and heavier even though it didn’t change at all.

I think we face our problems in life the same way. We hold them for far too long. I’m a pretty big advocate for making a decision and moving forward with it. I’m a big proponent of just ripping off the bandaid and dealing with things. But some people hold their decisions for far too long. When we have a decision to make and hold off on making it, bad things happen. We become someone we never wanted to be. We get feisty and anger easily. We soon realize the weight of the decision is becoming too heavy for us to carry, so we throw it at the people closest to us. It’s like the glass of water analogy. Even though the glass didn’t change size, shape, mass or weight it still became too heavy to hold.

The longer we hold our fears, anxieties, stresses, and even decisions the heavier they become. And eventually we’ll either drop them or hurt those around us when we throw things at them.

Look I know fears are real. I know anxiety is a true fact of life and many people have a hard time processing it. I know decisions have rippling effects far beyond what we might see in the moment. But holding them will only make things worse.

So find a friend. Seriously find a friend who will be there with you through the anxiety. Maybe someone can help you see the challenge from a different perspective. Maybe they can help you come up with some coping methods to get through the hard time you’re facing.

Imagine that same glass of water in your hand. This time when you’re holding it a friend comes up to put his hand underneath yours. All of a sudden the pressure of the glass no longer affects your arm. Immediately you have relief. The same is true with our stresses and fears and anxieties we hold onto in life. When we surround ourselves with people who are willing to challenge us and hold us accountable and help us when we struggle, we’ll realize we can carry the glass longer. We’ll even be able to set the glass down over time.

If you can’t set the glass down today, find a friend who you trust to help you hold the glass. I bet you’ll thank me for it.

Fix It Felix!

A few years ago a movie was released titled Wreck It Ralph. The movie was set inside of a video game with two main characters. The first was Ralph. He was the larger than normal villain in the game. His job was to destroy everything he saw. Ralph would tear apart buildings and destroy things down to rubble. Then the good guy Fix It Felix would come along and try to put everything back together. Continue reading

No Longer Slaves

No-LongerThis world has enough trouble to make even the strongest person cower in fear. From the political unrest to the economic ebbs and flows that bring financial concerns to just about everyone – there is no rest for the weary. It seems that everywhere we turn there’s another reason for us to be afraid. Just click on the news and you’ll hear of another child abducted into trafficking rings, a senseless murder, arson takes a home and all its possessions from a family, a training accident goes horribly wrong and claims the lives of innocents, wild fires sweep through the country and devastate residents.  Continue reading

Cast My Cares

maxresdefault-6We carry such a weight through life it’s almost crazy. We were never intended to have this kind of load on our shoulders. Worry, anxiety, fear, mistakes…they all just sit on our shoulders and heap a load on us that often we can’t even stand.

This morning I want to share with you a song that really speaks to this very thing. If we would learn to cast our cares on the who promises to take them, our lives would be a lot different. Our pains prevent us from finding peace. Our struggles steal our ability to see our Savior. Our fears lead us to future failures. Our past mistakes melt our confidence.

The bible is an invitation to cast our cares on Him. It’s an invitation to give our burdens and our pains to the God who invites us to call him Father. It’s such a wonderful thing. In exchange for our cares, he offers us hope and peace. These things the world can’t give. Cast your cares on him.

This morning I sit in front of my computer tired. There are burdens on my shoulders and it’s time to cast them on Jesus. Take a minute from your day and just pause. Give these struggles on Jesus and let him take over. All of our worrying and all of our fear won’t change the reality of the situation before us. Cast these on Jesus. Then lift your head and realize that the same Jesus who takes away these burdens is also the one who walks with you through the most treacherous and terrifying moments of life. There’s hope for today. There’s a light in front of us to guide us when we don’t know where to go.

I will cast my cares upon him because he promises to be faithful.

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