What a selfish, egotistical, pride filled bunch we’ve become! I mean seriously, here we are talking about national security and throwing millions of dollars at an inauguration event where no one is even allowed to attend. The media and many in our world and crying about a group of people entering into the capitol building. The only news we hear in America anymore is what happened in those moments when the capitol was breeched and a virus that continues to linger in our country.

But where was the coverage of the other atrocities around the world? Where are the posts in outrage over the 750 innocent killed in an attack in Ethiopia earlier this week? Where is the rage over the injustice that is levied upon men, women and children just because of their faith practices?

We’ve become so much a group of navel gazers that we can’t see the world around us. What has happened to us?! When did we start to care more about one man in or out of office that we forgot the world around us? When did my perceived problems become more important than the needs of those around me?

So many people flooded their social media feeds with remembrances of Martin Luther King Jr. yet were dead silent about the loss of life around the world. We talk about peace when our communities don’t have peace but when people out of our view don’t have peace we could care less. We grandstand on unifying people of every race, creed, color and gender; but do nothing when people of various races, creeds, colors and either gender are mocked, persecuted and killed just because of their heritage.

If we’re going to sit in our ivory towers and throw accusation grenades at the world around us, then we better put that pin back in and consider falling on that grenade ourselves. Don’t say you care about justice when you’re silent about injustice that doesn’t affect you. Don’t elevate one life while demeaning another. Don’t criticize people who don’t see the world the same way as you until you’re willing to honestly view your own part in the problem.

Don’t levy accusations without self evaluation.

True the invasion on our capitol was terrible. I don’t deny that. But in the grand scheme of life that was nothing. Many of those who are screaming and yelling about the violence weren’t impacted by the violence directly. How dare we sit in our 1st world societies with our technology and all of our creature comforts and be so self absorbed that we don’t even see the world around us? Perhaps we should be willing to say the names of the 750 killed in Ethiopia as loud as we shout the names of others in our world.

Pause and honestly look at your life. Are you making a mountain out of a molehill? Are you making a molehill out of a mountain? What role did you play in building that mountain? Think America. This is not who we are. It’s time to get back to our roots because this isn’t it!