living for eternity today

Tag: words

The Final Word: Fulfilled

In this week’s message we spent time looking again at the final word of Jesus from the cross. Through Lent we often pick around at the seven last words of Jesus, but this year we look at just one word. The word in Greek is tetelestai, which means it is finished. The amazing part of this word is that when we really break it down, this word has 6 different meanings for us today. Each week in this series we’ll look at a different meaning of this simple yet profound word.

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Sticks & Stones

powerofwordsSticks and stone will break my bonesbut words will never hurt me. We’ve undoubtedly said it as a child. Maybe we even believed it. But I’m not convinced it’s all that true. I recently read an article that stated words are never neutral. How powerful a statement that one is! A lot of times we tend to think that just because we aren’t speaking something derogatory or overtly harmful that our words carry little to no weight at all. But the truth of the matter is our words are always filled with power. Continue reading

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