living for eternity today

Tag: victory

On The Homestead

Very seldom do I take a slow morning to sit and sip my coffee in my chair as no one else in the house is moving. The sun is just peaking up in the eastern sky. The air is crisp with that early spring cool. A frosty dew is covering the grass tips. Birds are chirping outside. And a single deer is crossing the field out back.

I’m writing this on the morning of Good Friday, but I’m thinking about tomorrow. No one talks about tomorrow. I mean we make sure we have the Easter meal as prepared as we can have it. We make sure everyone’s matching outfits for Easter worship are laid out and prepared. We clean the house just in case that crazy relative decides to do a quick inspection for dust around the place.

We did the traditional Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship and will pick one of the special Easter morning services to attend as well. But what about Saturday? Why have I not really given much attention to Saturday? Can you imagine what it must have been like to be one of Jesus’ followers on Saturday?

As I sit and sip my coffee, irony of all ironies the brand is Death Wish Coffee, I wonder what the disciples did that Holy Saturday? Did they even sleep last night? Were they too anxious? Were they too afraid? Were they just too overcome with sadness that sleep escaped them? Were those same things the cause for them to pass out and sleep harder than ever before?

Then as the dark night sky gave way to morning light, as the rooster crowed somewhere just outside the city walls, they couldn’t go back to life a normal. The entire city was in turmoil. The entire city was overwhelmed and in a state of angst. Some were happy that Jesus was dead. Others who wanted him dead were no longer so sure of their decision. Still others were devastated by how it all went down.

What must it have been like to be there that Saturday? Did anyone talk about it? Or was it a topic that everyone just stayed away from because they knew it was just too soon?

As we are wondering these very things, Jesus is resting. The hard work is done. This Holy Saturday wasn’t a day to die. It wasn’t a day to rise. It wasn’t a day to conquer enemies or vanquish foes. It was a day to rest. He ended Good Friday with It is finished! That means nothing more was needed. The debt for the sin of all mankind was paid in full. Today he simply rested. In his rest he presented himself the victor. He stood before the powers of evil to prove that he was victorious. Nothing more was needed. Nothing more could be done. He had done it all.

Today is a day to rest. Enjoy the quiet moments. Listen to the children play and laugh. The work, the real work of this weekend has been finished. Because Jesus won you also are victorious! Happy Easter Weekend friends!

I Will Fear No More

This week is going to be one of those weeks to be sure. Yesterday I received a phone call from my dad letting me know that my grandma (the one I call Omi) has started to walk down the road that will ultimately lead her into Jesus’ arms. It could be days. It could be weeks. It could even be months. There’s only one person who knows and he’s the reason we can fear no more.

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