living for eternity today

Tag: valentine’s day

Love & Trust

I personally live by the philosophy that I never trust a person who says trust me. If you have to tell me to trust you, then chances are I probably shouldn’t trust you! But to be fair trust is pretty tricky. It’s one of those things that has to be earned. You can’t just assume someone will trust you. You have to go out of your way to live a life that is trustworthy. Continue reading

Never Too Far Gone

Well this week is that whole love week. It’s the week of Valentine’s Day. It’s a day filled with flowers and candy. It’s a day when we talk love and acceptance. Unfortunately that love and acceptance stuff we show on Valentine’s Day is very conditional. It’s a love that seems more transactional – I’ll love you as long as you love me back kind of thing.  Continue reading

Do You Love Me?

Now before we get too far into this I have to admit something. I suck at showing affection! I’m not one of those lovey, gushy kinds of people. I don’t do flowers or chocolates. I rarely even remember to buy cards. Compliments flow from my mouth like water from a dried up well. I pretty much fail at this whole showing love thing. But just because I don’t show it well doesn’t mean I don’t love. Continue reading

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