living for eternity today

Tag: together


Enough is enough already. When did we become a divided people? When did we fall for the trap of evil that has been set before us? When did we become so stupid that we follow the horrible lead of violence? What made us give in to the idea that hatred and destruction are the answer?

We are not together. I don’t know of a time when division was more prominent. The unfortunate thing is that this is being called a racial division but that’s just not true. There is racial tension and inequality to be certain but that’s not the real problem we face. The violence and the hatred being spread around our cities like manure flung in a farmer’s field is not about race. It’s about evil. Pure evil.

I pray for my brothers and sisters around the world regardless of race or color or gender or political background. I pray for those who hurt and those who lack the confidence to live the lives they’ve been given to live. I pray for those who are violently held back in life.

It’s time to realize that we have merely one shot at this life. We can opt to mess it up and make it miserable for everyone around us by trashing their businesses and homes and ruining our own stuff. Or we can choose to serve those in need. Support our local business owners. Clean up after these riots. Care for one another. Walk shoulder to shoulder through this life together. The choice is yours. I pray you choose together.

I’m An American

There seems to be a lot of confusion today over who we are. So let me remind you by explaining who I am. This country was built around certain ideals, values and core beliefs. We were not founded to be a two party system that couldn’t see past their differences to the lives they were affecting. Our nation was founded for the benefit of the people whom it was established to serve. Not as an organization offering handouts. Not as a micromanaging boss. Not as a hovering helicopter parent. This nation was established to allow freedom from tyranny and oppressive rule over the people. It was established to provide a system whereby all those who work hard and support one another can truly succeed in life. Let me be completely clear. I am not a republican. I am not a democrat. I am an American!

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