living for eternity today

Tag: superhero

Best News Ever

You’ll ever be enough. you’ll never match up to what everyone else is doing. You’ll never be the good enough version of yourself that you’re trying to be. You’re too short. You’re not smart enough. You’re too ____. The lies keep swarming around us like we’re a swarm of bees around a bee hive. But these aren’t the only ones we hear. There are plenty more! You have to put in a few more hours. You have to buy that new ____ because everyone else has one! You have to… You must do… You just need… Continue reading

Super Heroes

bigchurch titleMy kids are big into The Avengers. I’m not sure if they have a favorite because all of them are so amazing. Take the HULK for instance. The man, Bruce Banner, is a fairly normal guy. He’s smart but nothing out of this world, but when he gets angry – look out! His anger turns to rage and the beast we know as the HULK comes out and there’s just not stopping him. Then there’s Iron Man a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist who likes to respond to trouble by suiting up in his home-made, jet propelled suit of armor.

But the problem is…none of these guys are realistic! They are all setting up the idea in our minds that we have to be someone with extreme powers to be worth something in the world. It’s not just superheroes either. It happens all over the place, even in the church.

Many church going people get the image in their minds that they need to preach like the Apostle Paul or they’re not good enough. Or they must have a following of someone like Billy Graham. Or they have to do as many good deeds as a Mother Theresa. These superheroes of the faith are wonderful people who did many great things, but we don’t have to be them!

The truth of the matter is everything needed for our salvation was already done. We don’t have to do anything because Jesus did everything. This means that while powerful preaching is great, it’s not necessary for our salvation. Gathering great crowds of people to demonstrate the greatness of God is a worthwhile endeavor but it’s not essential to our eternity. Doing good works is definitely something great to pursue, but even this is not a mandatory piece to gain favor with God. Everything needed for our salvation was already done for us in Jesus.

When Jesus went to the cross he completed everything that was required of you and me. His death was the payment needed for our sins. His resurrection was the completion that opened heaven for us. Now there’s simply nothing we have to do because it’s all been done already on the cross. This now opens us the world for us. We now by the power of Christ in us are empowered to accomplish great and amazing things in our daily lives. We’re not superheroes, nor are we supposed to be. But we’re ordinary people who God calls to live our lives following Him.

It’s that simple. The message of the church throughout the book of Acts was just that – Jesus did it all. Now we’re invited to follow Christ on his mission in the world today. You don’t have to do anything because Jesus did everything for you.

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